Sunday, 22 May 2011


Sometimes I get frustrated. Quite often I get frustrated. It isn't so often that I get angry, but especially lately I have been frustrated and sad. A big part of this is not being able to do things I would normally do (laundry, some cooking, yoga) because of my back, another part is being so far away from my family. Sadly, there isn't anything that can really be done to help either, but this is life.

I feel frustrated that I cant work or go to school yet. I feel frustrated that the people I love don't know when I need their support (they don't know because i'm not communicating it enough, just fyi). I'm frustrated that there is a huge pile of laundry in the 'stuff' room that we couldn't do this weekend because it was raining off and on. I'm frustrated that I sometimes make my husband feel bad when I don't communicate effectively. Most of all i'm frustrated at how frustrated i've been lately! I've been very quick to be annoyed or to shut down within the past few weeks, and it isn't something I am happy with.

So for this upcoming week, i'm going to try very hard to make sure I communicate effectively, get enough sleep, and walk every day to help combat this negativity. I'm going to make sure to tell my husband how much I love and appreciate him every day. And I may just have to get some nice dark chocolate to help this process move on ;).

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