Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Of Books and Cooks

I've just started a new book, Sacred Hearts, by Sarah Dunant. I haven't read her before, but I like historical novels and for some reason I like reading about religious people. This particular book is about a convent of Nuns in Italy during the 1570's and so far it's very interesting.

The last book I read, Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert, was also good, though drastically different from my current book. Her's was all about the process she has to go through for her and her now husband to be able to live in the USA together. I can sympathise somewhat as my husband and I are going through a 'process' for me to live here, although thankfully we don't have to live in another country while the visa is going through! It was also about marriage and how she came to accept her (slightly forced by the US govn't) place in marriage history. It was a good read, especially for someone like me who is always pondering what exactly marriage means and how the heck I got here. But that is another story :).  

Beyond that I had the rest of my papers printed off, to be filled out tomorrow over a big cup of coffee and much annoyance. So close, yet so far! Bran is going to photocopy our 'proof of relationship' stuff tomorrow including our letters back and forth, our lease, bank statements, internet messages, adoption papers for our dog, etc. etc. Hopefully they will see that we are indeed a happily married couple who has been in a partner type relationship for over three years. Here is to hoping, eh?

Once more, sorry for the lack of pictures. The english muffins are basically gone, so no pictures of them :( i'm considering making more tomorrow though, they are so handy and Bran really likes them. I also may make some tortillas, mmm...tortilla, as I like to make wraps on them. Maybe pita bread instead, hmmm.

On a completely different note, I had an interesting feeling on the way home from the library. I was looking up at the mountains in the distance, and just had a powerful feeling of everything being right and wonderful. I had to stop, and gaze, and be thankful for that moment. To me, those are the moments when you know that God/dess/s are there, listening to you, trying to help or guide you. Those quiet moments where you know you are exactly where you are meant to be in the world. I've been working on stopping and sending out my thanks lately, I know I have such a blessed life. Not to say there aren't bumps, and that I don't throw a fit over those bumps :D but I truly am thankful to have the life and path that I do. And i'm greatly looking forward to what may come next on this path.

Now for bed, goodnight!

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