Sunday, 8 May 2011

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all you Mothers out there. To my own Mother, I don't need to say it, as she's in the Other Worlds, she already knows :).

I'm going to write up a short bit about my Mother, as she has played an important part in my life. She passed away about three and a half years ago. It was something none of us noticed at first. She had lung cancer, but we only found out about two weeks before she passed. It was very quick, too quick. I had just started college, and I still feel like I was a child at that point. I was not prepared to lose her.

But then, no one ever is I suppose! She was a kind, of not slightly distant, Mother. She let my sibling and I find ourselves, and was always accepting of us no matter what kind of shenanigan we were up to! When I decided to become a vegetarian basically overnight, she never complained. When I talked about being Pagan and the different things in my meditation, she listened. When I was dating a guy in high school who was 7 years my senior, she didn't complain (I didn't really tell her, but she knew :).

When I met Bran, she wasn't there. When I was in my deepest depression, she wasn't there. When I got married and moved to Australia, she wasn't there. When I someday have my own child....she wont be there. I know she was there in spirit. I know she is somewhere watching out for my family, smiling at my failed attempt of gardening, thinking about what a good dog I have, loving my choice of husband, and quietly waiting for her grand babies to be made. Those thoughts make me both happy and sad. But it is what it is. I'm thankful I had her for a Mother.

On the other hand, we did have a visit from my MiL! It's always nice to see her :). For a Mother's Day gift Bran and I found her these lovely stained glass handled cheese knives, which i'm happy to report she loved. We had a yummy sticky date pudding (store bought, sorry!) and coffee and had a chat about what kind of pets we should get when we move in together (to keep Milo company, right?). Bran and I made sure to do a massive clean up before hand, so along with a lovely time seeing Sarah, we now have a very clean house. That to me is one of life's finest little pleasures. I still can't do most of the cleaning right now, so it was so nice to have Bran home to help and do what I couldn't handle.

And so with that I am off to ponder over my Mother some more, and thank our Mother Earth for giving us everything we have. Don't forget to thank Her as well!

1 comment:

  1. Your mother was one of my favorite people I had growing up with you Emma. She was a mother to everyone, and a wonderful woman. Even waking up today, I said happy mother's day to my mom, and the second person I thought of today was your mom. You have no idea how much I think of her and the days you and I would get into all kinds of shenanigans. Thinking of you my friend <3
