Sunday 10 April 2011

Milo and the dog park

Today has been very similar to other days for me. I'm still mostly on the couch/bed with my back being crazy. One fun thing we did do was walk to the dog park with Milo :). He's gone through some crazy sicknesses/injuries so it's been a while and it was so nice to see him playing with the other puppies. As for me it was the longest walk i've done since the surgery (it's about a 5 minute walk normally). It went alright. I was kind of afraid that one of the puppies would run into me, but I was fine. I was a bit sore when I got home.

Anyway, Milo was very sweet at the dog park :). He's finally grown out of the puppy phase where he harasses all the small dogs or tries to escape. He actually came when he was called!

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